1、What should the driver pay attention to when the motor vehicle passes a school?

A、Observe the traffic signs and markings

B、Slow down and pass slowly

C、Prohibited from sounding the horn

D、Pass rapidly


2、When a motor vehicle temporarily stops in fog, which lamp should be turned on?

A、Hazard lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp

B、Left-turn indicator, clearance lamp and rear position amp

C、Headlamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp

D、Reverse lamp, clearance lamp and rear position lamp


3、What matters need attention when driving on a rainy day?

A、Avoid using the emergency brake or making sharp turns

B、Keep a safe enough distance

C、Observe the traffic situation of non-motor vehicles and surrounding pedestrians

D、Drive at a safe speed


4、How should lamps be used when a motor vehicle meets an oncoming bicycle on a narrow road or a narrow bridge at night?

A、Continuously change between low-beam and high-beam

B、Use clearance lamp

C、Use high-beam

D、Use low-beam


5、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Stopping temporarily is allowed

B、Long stopping is allowed

C、No long stopping

D、No stopping


6、While driving a motorcycle, it is permitted to keep one hand on the handlebar but not allowed two hands leave handle bars at the same time.




7、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Road narrows on the left side

B、Narrow bridge

C、Narrow road

D、Road narrows on the right side


8、The wrong measure to use the brake of a motorcycle is to __________.

A、Simultaneously use the front and back brakes

B、Use the front brake first

C、Use the back brake first

D、Avoid using the front brake too early


9、Serious wave will appear when the front tire blows out; the driver should release the accelerator, firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands, quickly gradually break down, and stop to yield.




10、When overtaking a motor vehicles on uphill sections of a mountain road, the driver should _____.

A、Honk in advance

B、Forward cars are allowed to overtake before overtaking.

C、Turn on the left-turn signal in advance

D、Speed up direct and overtake


11、What is the purpose of checking before driving?

A、Confirm whether the tyres of motor vehicles are damaged or not

B、Confirm whether there is a safety hazard near the vehicle.

C、Confirm whether there are obstacles around the vehicle

D、Confirm whether the road in front of the vehicle is safe


12、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、No left turn

B、Leftt and right turn

C、No leftt and right turn

D、No right turn


13、If a driver finds there is no vehicle behind, he/she may change lanes without turning on the indicator.




14、When two vehicles approach each other on a foggy day, what is the best method of safe driving?

A、Turn on the high-beam

B、Slowdown and maintain a large safety distance

C、Turn on the low-beam

D、Turn on the fog lamp


15、When driving on a long downhill road, which is the best way to control the speed?

A、Coast in neutral gear

B、Take a low gear

C、Depress the clutch

D、Pull up the handbrake


16、In emergencies, people’s life safety should always be put in the first place.




17、When approaching a vehicle on a narrow slope, which one of the following ways is correct?

A、The descending vehicle yields to the ascending

B、The vehicle which is further from the slope crest should yield

C、The ascending vehicle yields to the descending

D、If the descending vehicle has reached the midpoint while the ascending vehicle has not yet set out, the descending vehicle must yield.


18、Which lamp should be turned on when motor vehicles pass through a road section at night where the street light condition is good?

A、Front and rear fog lamps



D、Hazard lamp


19、Which of the following is a bad habit when changing lanes?

A、Turning on the indicator in advance

B、Observing closely before changing a lane

C、Change lanes at will

D、Not obstructing the passing of other normally moving vehicles


20、When there is no bandage for rescuing a wounded person, which of the following measures is wrong?

A、Dress the wounds with a handkerchief

B、Dress the wounds with a towe

C、Dress the wounds with cotton clothes

D、Dress the wounds with string


21、When a motorcycle braking on a road covered by ice and snow, the driver should adopt point braking and prepare their feet for landing when braking.




22、Where should we choose to park?

A、Parking spaces on roads

B、Construction section


D、Parking lot


23、Under such circumstances, the driver should stop the vehicle and yield to pedestrians.




24、When the driver discovers that steering is stiff, the wrong measure is to ___________.

A、Reduce speed and stop the vehicle as fast as possible

B、Stop at a safe place

C、Continue to drive

D、Identify the cause


25、When a vehicle approaches an intersection without crosswalk, the driver should _______ if he finds people are crossing the street.

A、Reduce speed or stop to yield

B、Honk to indicate them to yield

C、Pass before the pedestrians

D、Immediately change lane and bypass the pedestrians


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