1、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Special lane for small vehicles

B、Special lane for motorized vehicles

C、Special lane for taxis

D、Special lane for multi-passenger vehicles


2、When the vehicles cross each other at night, what should the driver do if the vehicle coming in the opposite direction always use the high beam light.

A、Continuous change lights and honk to remind the vehicle coming in the opposite direction

B、Turn on the high beam light

C、Reduce speed or driving on the right side.

D、Move his sight to the right side to evade the light


3、What influence does smoking have upon driving?

A、Harmful for safe driving

B、Increase concentration

C、Help relaxation

D、No effect on driving


4、How should a motor vehicle follow the other vehicle In front when driving on a road covered with ice and snow?

A、Keep a long safe distance

B、Turn on hazard lamp

C、Change between high-and-low beam alternatively

D、Sound the horn in due time to give a notice to the vehicle in front


5、While driving a motorcycle, nothing is permitted to hang on the handlebars.




6、What is the meaning of this sign?


B、Ring intersection

C、T-shaped intersection

D、Y-shaped intersection


7、When encountering a vehicle in front ascending on a mountainous road covered with ice and snow, what should the motor vehicle driver do?

A、Ascend after the vehicle in front passes the slope

B、Overtake the vehicle in front swiftly and drive on

C、Overtake the vehicle in front with a slow speed and drive on

D、Follow the vehicle in front closely


8、Drivers neednt yield to pedestrians who display such behavior.




9、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Driving at reduced speed in the section of 40 meters

B、Minimum speed is 40km/hr

C、Maximum speed is 40km/hr

D、40km/hr speed limit ban is lifted


10、When driving on a rough road, the driver should use low gear to keep low speed; try to choose roads with big pits to reduce bumpy feeling.




11、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Electric bicycles may go

B、Parking space for non-motorized vehicles

C、Parking area for non-motorized vehicles

D、Non-motorized vehicles may go


12、When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, what should the driver do due to the low visibility in such weather?

A、Turn on the headlamp and drive slowly

B、Turn on the fog lamp and drive slowl

C、Park in a safe place

D、Drive slowly close to the roadside


13、When rescuing a wounded person suffering spinal fracture, it is necessary to ___________.

A、Take warm-keeping measure

B、Use soft stretcher to carry

C、Use sling to keep in position

D、Help the wounded person to move


14、When evading an emergency, except for being calm what principle should be held by drivers?

A、Evading people first and then objects

B、Evading objects first and then vehicles

C、Evading vehicles first and then people

D、Evading objects first and then people


15、When a vehicle stops temporarily at the roadside at night, the wrong measure is to ______.

A、Turn on the warning flash light

B、Turn on the contour light

C、Turn on the high beam light

D、Turn off all lights


16、When driving in icy and snowy weather, because of the reduction of the stability, it is easy for the wheels to race or slip when rapidly speeding up.




17、Which measures is correct when a motor vehicle turn around?

A、Turn around in the turning lane

B、Should not turn on the turning light

C、Turn around in the straight lane

D、Turn on the left-turn signal in advance


18、When discovering animals crossing the expressway on the highway, the driver should not drastically turn to evade.




19、When encountering pedestrians slowly cross the road in a residential area, the driver should sound the horn continuously.




20、When driving a motor vehicle ready to enter a congested roundabout, the wrong measure is to ______.

A、Honk to indicate another vehicle to yield

B、Stop to yield

C、Driving into the congested intersection

D、Drive fast into the intersection


21、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Crosswalk lights

B、Watch for pedestrians

C、Attention to traffic lights



22、When a motor vehicle stops temporarily in a rainy day,which lamp should be turned on?

A、Front and rear fog lamps

B、Hazard lamps


D、Reverse lamps


23、Which of the following is a safe way for motor vehicles to pass the intersection marked with this sign?

A、Stop and observe the traffic situation around the intersection

B、Approach the intersection by speeding up

C、Observe the traffic situation on the left rear side

D、Approach the intersection at a reduced speed


24、What is the meaning of this sign?

A、Speed up when the driver can not see the pedestrians

B、Speed up

C、There is a crosswalk ahead.

D、Keep driving at the same speed when you can not see the pedestrians


25、The first-aid measure to rescue a poisoned person is to _______.

A、Take warming-up measures

B、Bring him to a place where air is fresh

C、Give him artificial respiration

D、Depress the heart over the chest


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