1、What should the driver do upon finding that one ofthe right tires is leaking while driving?

A、Brake swiftly to slow down

B、Brake slowly to slow down

C、Turn to the left side swiftly

D、Apply emergency braking


2、The sign on the right warns of a guarded crossing 150 meters ahead.




3、After a traffic accident, what is the most effective measure to prevent secondary accidents?

A、Evacuate all passengers

B、Turn on the hazard lamps

C、Mark the original place of the injured persons

D、Properly place the danger warning sign


4、The slow-down-and-yield line at the intersection ahead indicates that vehicle drivers should stop and give the right of way to vehicles on the trunk road.




5、The sign on the right warns of an embankment road 200 meters ahead.




6、Mr. Tao drove a midsize bus with 33 passengers. At the spot of 163 kilometers on the South Xuping Expressway, the bus clashed at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour with Mr. Ans minibus parked without any warning signs on the inside lane, due to breakdown after an accident. The midsize bus overturned after collided with the guardrail on the right-hand side. As a result of the accident, 16 people were killed and 15 injured. What are the main illega acts of the two drivers?

A、Mr. Tao carried more passengers than permitted

B、Mr. Tao exceeded speed limit

C、Mr. An failed to place any warning signs in accordance with relevant stipulations

D、Mr. An was illegally parked


7、Which one of the following is a safe way for motor vehicles to converge into an intersection marked with this sign?

A、Speeding up and driving into the traffic flow directly

B、Driving into the traffic flow behind the gray car on the main road

C、Driving into the traffic flow from the front of the red car on the main road

D、Turning on the indicator and driving into the flow directly


8、Mr. Shi drove a low-speed cargo vehicle (capacity 1.2 tons)with 4.05 tons of cargo. At the spot of 51 kilometers mark by 260 meters on the No. 314 County Road in Ningjin County, the cargo vehicle had a head-on collision with a normally running midsize bus( capacity 11 people and carrying12) from the opposite direction after passing the central line of the road and overtaking the front vehicle in the same direction. As a result of this accident, 10 people were killed and 2 injured. What are the illegal acts in this case?

A、The cargo vehicle carried more cargo than capacity

B、The cargo vehicle illegally overtook other vehicles

C、The bus carried more passengers than capacit

D、The driver of the bus kept driving when tired


9、The guide arrow on the road surface of this lane indicates that only U-turns are permitted at the intersection ahead.




10、The sign on the right warns of no passing due to collapse on the road ahead.




11、When driving on a muddy road, what should drivers do if the wheels spin and slide?

A、Cover the ground under the wheels with gravels

B、Change to a high gear and speed out

C、Cover the ground under the driving wheels with gravels

D、Violently turn the steering wheel and suddenly leed up


12、The sign on the right indicates to stop and yield for oncoming vehicles approaching on the road ahead.




13、Which one of the following measures is correct when a motor vehicle encounters this situation at night?

A、Keep driving at a normal speed

B、Drive at an increased speed to avoid light

C、Cut speed or stop to yield

D、Turn on high-beam to reject


14、When the wounded person is suffering main artery bleeding, where should the rescue personnel press by thumb to stop the bleeding?

A、The artery near the heart

B、The artery lower to the wound

C、The artery further from the heart

D、The artery in the center of the wound


15、The sign on the right warns of a narrowed road on both sides ahead.




16、For evading an emergency on an expressway, which of the following principles should drivers stick to?

A、Evading vehicles first and objects later

B、Evading people first and objects later

C、Evading vehicles first and people later

D、Evading objects first and people later


17、Mr. Qi drove a large bus with 28 passengers(capacit 55 people). When arriving at an intersection without any traffic signals from south to north at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, the bus had a side collision with Mr. Li's heavy semi-trailer tractor (capacity 40 tons and carrying 55.2 tons) running from east to west. As a result of this accident, 12 people were killed and 17 injured. What are the main illegal acts in this case?

A、The bus carried more passengers than capacity

B、The bus exceeded the speed limit

C、The tractor carried more cargo than capacity

D、The driver of the tractor was inexperienced


18、When driving on this section of the road, drivers should observe closely and prepare to yield to the animals crossing the road.




19、Dangerous chemicals possess the characteristics of explosion, inflammation, poison, erosion and radiation.




20、Motor vehicle drivers should use the windscreen wiper when setting off on a rainy day




21、Before making a U-turn at the intersection ahead, motor vehicle drivers should drive to the lane for turning left and going straight.




22、When the motor vehicle stops on an uphill section, how should the driver use the foot brake?

A、Earlier than on a level road

B、Later than on a level road

C、As timely as on a level road

D、Strongly depress the foot brake pedal


23、What should the driver do if the back wheel slides to the right on a muddy road?

A、Continuously speed up

B、Turn right

C、Turn left

D、Apply emergency brake


24、What should a driver do before entering a tunnel on an expressway

A、Turn on the high-beam

B、Turn on the width lamp and the tail lamp

C、Turn on the low-beam

D、Sound the horn before entering the tunnel


25、The sign on the right warns of a wildlife protection area ahead.




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